original vote button


Don't like the button supplied with your
Voting Code?

Here come some more you can use

Just copy the code underneath the button of your liking,


~ replace the ID number 1000 to reflect your own ID ~

I have highlighted what I mean in every code below

You had your ID number supplied when you joined,
and should have received an email with your details, including that ID

If in any doubt, contact me, and I'll try to help


<A HREF="http://www.topsitelists.com/topsites.cgi?ID=1000&user=anjana&area=area51"><IMG SRC="http://www.mylair.net/images2/TopsitePortalVote4.gif" border=0></A>



<A HREF="http://www.topsitelists.com/topsites.cgi?ID=1000&user=anjana&area=area51"><IMG SRC="http://www.mylair.net/images2/TopsitePortalVote2.jpg" border=0></A>



<A HREF="http://www.topsitelists.com/topsites.cgi?ID=1000&user=anjana&area=area51"><IMG SRC="http://www.mylair.net/images2/TopsitePortalVote3.gif" border=0></A>



<A HREF="http://www.topsitelists.com/topsites.cgi?ID=1000&user=anjana&area=area51"><IMG SRC="http://www.mylair.net/images2/TopsitePortalBanner.gif" border=0></A>


Alright, I hope that is giving you some choice

Please do put up your button (which ever one)
as otherwise a topsite list can not work

Only if people can find a voting button can they get
to this list, and if everybody neglects their duty
in putting their vote button up - no one gets any visitor traffic

Thank You!


If you have any question or a problem with this list,
please contact me by clicking on my little 'troll' below
or by leaving a message where it says 'comments'
on The Portal's main page