Just Look At All These Sparkling And Beautiful

Every little girl loves presents *s*
and Nissa is always over the moon when
she receives an award or a gift for her site


Every one of these treasures is linked back to the lovely person who sent it
Please take the time to visit their sites, as they are very beautiful



~ Mummy's Friend LUNA sent this dreamy award ~
Her FANTASY VALLEY is a peaceful haven
for every weary traveller...



These two beautiful
where presents from
Mummy's Friend

Her site
is full of sparkling magic!!!



This cutest of all kitties
was sent by mummy's friend Heidi.
It was an award for Nissa's bravery
when her school had a fire.
Nissa tried to comfort all her friends
who were crying,
telling them all about fire engines
(the little she knew... *s*)
Only when Mummy finally
arrived to pick her up
did she break into tears herself,
because she was so
worried her Winnie the Pooh lunchbox
had been lost in the flames...

When Mummy told Heidi,
Heidi immediately sent this kitty
to make Nissa feel better,
and it helped a lot!
The reason why this present
is not linked back is,
because Heidi's site is a bit 'scary'
But I think she is working
on a site about wolves....

Once that one is uploaded,
this kitty will definitely
be linked back!



And even more sparly globes from





This beautiful award was
given to Nissa by Caitlin
who left it as a surprise in Nissa's Guestbook




A Spirit Jewel, a Locket
and a gorgeous award

with love from



Another beautiful trinket box from Mirage!
(she is soooo talented *s*)



Look at this beautiful award...
It is such an honour to have received it!
Thank you so much Faerie_Dancer!!!



This beautiful fairy was adopted for Nissa by
Faerie_Dancer, and is linked back to where is was adopted from.
Faerie_Dancer has a beautiful site too, and you can visit her
by clicking on the award above this adoption



Isn't this beautiful?
And of course - it is another present
from sweet Mirage *s*





return to
~ Nissa's Rainbow Road ~




Zelda/Nintendo 64